Year 1 Update—
The Hidden Social Dimension of Infrastructure studies how sites of infrastructure impact cities spatially and socially. It aims to reveal how vital infrastructures (water, waste, energy, and food) and their associated architecture enable and are enriched by the often-unseen social life that surrounds them. These infrastructures are most often perceived as technical artefacts - only recognized as important for the services or products they generate - rather than the ecology of social lives that are part of productive infrastructures.
Using a methodology composed of interviews, photography, on-site observation, mapping and analytical drawing techniques, we aim to uncover qualities of infrastructural spaces that enable societal, cultural, ecological, and technical exchange. We ask , can infrastructure projects foster a culture of care for the resources that make up these systems as well as the communities in which they are located?
A sample of the research methodology follows these steps:
Spatial Documentation: Spatial documentation is the first step and involves making precise drawings of the infrastructure and buildings in the surrounding context. These drawings serve as the base to layer all the information uncovered through the observation and interviews. Both the actual infrastructure and the surrounding communities will be modelled. The precise extent of drawing will be explored for each case study.
Observation: This involves naturalistic observation - recording the atmospheres urban rhythms, frequency and duration of peoples’ actions that surround the sites and can be broken down into easily identifiable categories (standing, walking, working, sitting, playing, talking) that take place.
Mapping: The types and durations of these activities are mapped onto plan, section, and axonometric drawing of the site, along with photos that depict the activities. This method helps us understand how the community engages with these infrastructures and will help us identify who does and does not interact with the facilities.
Interviews: Interviews are arranged with owners, managers, and staff of the case studies. We use “go-along” interview techniques with people in their familiar settings. This is intended to reveal the uses of the space.
Year 1 Case Studies —
Benny Farm: Quebec, Canada
LUFA Farms: Quebec, Canada
North Grove: Halifax, Canada
Hope Blooms: Halifax Canada